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St. Pauls Bay

No information with this photo but possibly HMS Guardian (netlayer) on the left with Italian cruisers Garibaldi & Abruzzi.
This needs verification.
Photo courtesy of Charles E. Mac Kay

On the 13th April 2011 during some work on the sea front a digger made a small hole through the pavement & revealed a chamber which is thought to have been a machine gun emplacement used in WWII. The site has been reported to Malta Heritage who are preserving it for the future & hopefully making it viewable to the public.
Andrew Hili was there on the evening & he sent me the following photos for the site taken through the hole

On a walk with Andrew Hili in 2013. This shows the emplacement or at least part of it which was spared the developers destruction.
Andrew has to be praised for working to keep this from being destroyed.

Photos of gun emplacements near St.Pauls.
Taken on a walk with Andrew Hili in 2013.

At the end of St.Pauls Bay near Pwales Beach a gun emplacement can be found near the Olympic games monument.
Sadly neglected & filled with rubbish.

The Bomb Shelter
These are not yet open to the public (2011). In fact in 2013 Andrew Hili showed me a spot in the road where the entrance is. Nobody would even know it was there.
Another larger shelter did exist nearby but this has now been destroyed through excavation.

Photos courtesy of Andrew Hili