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The Opera House & Strada Reale

The Opera House (Teatro Reale) was a famous building in Valletta which was bombed & completely destroyed.
My father was in this building the previous night.
The ruins can still be found just inside the main gate going into Valletta 100 metres on the right. All the stones from this building were collected & are still in storage.

On the 25th May 1873 a large fire destroyed the building. The heat was so intense it was feared that it would set off ammunition stored in nearby barracks & stores.
A photo of this fire can be found in the book 'Malta & British Army Infantry Regiments' by J.Bonnici & M.Cassar page 57.

Photo taken in May 1936. Photo courtesy of Norman Tarrant.

Photo courtesy of Dave Charles

Looking from main gate into Valletta. The Opera House is shown on the right. This image is from an old postcard.
Photo courtesy of Charles Grima.

Taken probably 1930's. The steps no longer exist.
Photo courtesy of Jason Pisani & Charlie Grima.

Porta Reale entrance from the gate with Opera House on the right. Probably taken 1930's.
Photo courtesy of Jason Pisani & Charlie Grima.

Porta Reale entrance from the gate with Opera House on the right. Probably taken 1930's.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley

Religious procession passing the Opera House towards Porta Reale.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley

Opera House steps. Unknown date but possibly pre WWI
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili

Opera House from the air pre WWII
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili

Photo courtesy of Jason Pisani & Charlie Grima.

Taken pre-WWII (1930's) inside the Opera House. Production of 'The Mikado'
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley

Taken the day before the bombing
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili

After raid

Unknown when this was taken but obviously after the raid & clearing up of debris.

Taken after raid. This photo & the one to the right brought back by my father who was in the Opera House the night before the raid.

How it looks now. Two photos I took in 2006.

Two photos I took of the inside as it looks in 2007 from the old entrance door.

Sculpture from ruins.
Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili