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Night Raids

'World's most powerful barrage in action; once part of Malta's every day and night life. "Junkers Serenade" the gunners called it'. Photo reproduced by kind permission of 'Times of Malta'.

Tracers over Malta

Searchlights over Malta

Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley

Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley

HMS Maori blowing up in Grand Harbour after being hit in night raid by Ju88s. Pure chance that it was photographed at that moment.
HMS Maori was a destroyer which blew up in February 1942. It was the largest explosion that many had felt. That last bit was recorded at the time by somebody whose billet was not far from where the Photo was taken.
Photo & text courtesy of Michael Longyear.

Taken from a post card entitled - 'Malta's defences in action, eve of the invasion of Sicily, July 1943'.