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Lascaris Bastion, Upper Barrakka Gardens & the Barrakka Lift

Taken in 2007 from St.Angelo's Fort, Vittoriosa.

Taken possibly pre WWI. Photo courtesy of Andrew Hili.


Lascaris Bastion taken pre WWII.

Lascaris Bastion taken pre WWII

Lascaris Bastion 2006

Lascaris Bastion 2006

Pre-war photo of the Barraca lift.



Photo to right - Site of the Barraca lift, upper Barraca Gardens/Lascaris Bastion taken in 2008. Situated on the far side of the bridge. The steel supports can still be seen in the wall.

Prewar photo. Note sign at top of lift.

Prewar photo of the base of the lift. Servicemen in the '30's nicknamed this the 'suicide lift'. Anyone looking over the Barraca Gardens where this once stood will see why.
This area was part of the original fortifications of the 16th century. The designers really knew their stuff.

This photo & the one to the left courtesy of Cheryl Beasley.

References & Links

Lascaris Reunion website