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King George VI

King George VI visited the Island on 20th June 1943 aboard the destroyer HMS Aurora. This was only a matter of a few weeks after the siege had been lifted.
He inspected a guard of honour on the Customs House quay made up of RMA personnel from the coast, AA & searchlight units.
He appeared on the balcony of the blitzed Palace in Valletta & recieved a great welcome from Maltese & military personnel alike. The future Prime Minister Harold Macmillan accompanied the King.
The King visited many towns & aerodromes.

On leaving Malta en route to the 8th Army in North Africa the King said:-

'The warmth with which I have been received today has touched me more than I can say. It has been for me one further proof of the loyalty which has inspired the Island Fortress to withstand the fiercest blows that a cruel enemy could inflict on her'.

Photo above & the block of 4 below courtesy of Barbara Hopkins.

King George VI aboard HMS Aurora 20th June 1943. Probably taken when entering Grand Harbour. Looks like Lower Baracca Gardens top right.
Photo courtesy of Victor Pulis.

King George VI accompanied by Mons. Emmanuel Brincat archpriest of Senglea during the war. Mons Brincat chose to stay in Senglea throughout the war to be near the few parishioners who opted to stay and brave the onslaught.
Photo courtesy of Victor Pulis.